Tag Archive for: campervan conversions devon

You have finally decided that your van needs to be converted, you need that unique and unconventional look, but why should you choose Van-Formers to do this? Read more

Campervan conversions can be used for an array of different reasons; freshening up your existing van or having a full conversion to be used by the entire family.

It’s needless to say conversions are on the rise and rightly so as they provide a number of benefits.
Below we’ve listed the three most notable:


The biggest benefit of the conversion of the amount of money that will be saved in comparison to buying a new VW campervan.
Prices can vary hugely, however, we have campervan conversions available for your request – they are cost-effective.

Own requirements

Along with is significantly low cost, another thing that sways many is the leverage that is given when they can their vehicle converted to their specific requirements and to fulfill their exact needs.

With the purchase of a campervan, you do have a choice, although, there is a possibility you will have to forgo one aspect for another e.g. there may be a campervan with a kitchen you like, yet the seating is something you’d like to chance, but you’ll compromise with it because the rest of the aspects are suitable.

The perks of converting your own vehicle into a campervan is not having to make those compromises. You’ll have the reigns to pick and choose what you would like the finished product to be.


The conversion process ultimately ends in the van being yours, of course.
Although, it is yours, personally. It has been exactly converted on your terms, thus it embracing a personality that truly makes the campervan feel like your own.

Your campervan will be your home when you’re away, so you’ll want to feel comfortable in it – which is what the personalised conversion entails.

Please visit our website for more information about our campervan conversions and other services!